St. John AME of Raleigh

Auxiliaries & Ministries
Sons of Allen
The Sons of Allen Men’s Fellowship is designed to foster closer relationships between men of the church, to equip men of the church for meaningful service, to reach unchurched men, and to present positive role models for our youth.
Hopkins-Matthews Missionary Society
We are called to help one another engage in ministry and action, and grow and respond in faith to God’s redemptive plan for the church, the society and the world.
Young People's Department (YPD)
The YPD strives to teach, empower, advise, and motivate all young people to be servant leaders.

Sunday School
The mission of the Church School is to: teach, train, nurture, prepare, and recruit all persons in God’s Word for Christian service, emphasizing those Christian principles which are essential for effective Christian growth and participation.
Class Leaders Council
Class Leaders serve as a liaison between the Pastor and congregation, providing spiritual support to the members. They also identify special needs and abilities of various class members and make recommendations to the Pastor.
Christian Education
Christian Education "develops standards and, prepares various programs, offer classes, teach Christian education, publish material, train people for ministry and other church vocations" in accordance with the tradition and doctrine of the church.
Lay Organization
Stewardess Board
The Stewardesses are appointed by the Pastor and report to the Stewards. They support and prepare the Holy Sacraments of the church.

Health & Wellness

Social Action
This ministry keeps the congregation and community informed about current political and social concerns that impact the population.

Food & Fellowship
We strive to serve the congregation and guests with gladness and love. The ministry assists with special events that take place during the year.

Walking Word News
The ministry produces publications about events and news at the church in hopes that it inspires, informs, and enlightens readers with words that will take you on a journey into the body of Christ.

Calendar Committee
The calendar committee is responsible for organizing all major events of the church, including meetings and specials events.

Usher Board
These are our “doorkeepers” who greet everyone with a smile and a friendly ‘welcoming spirit.’ The ushers are responsible for making sure everyone is fully accommodated with basic needs during service.

Pastor's Aid
This ministry provides table comforts for the pastor and ensures that any needs are met.
Media Ministry
The Media Ministry provides technological production to deliver the Word of God to others by utilizing a vast array of resources such as CDs and DVDs and our Heaven in View Broadcast.

Music Department
The mission of the Music Ministry is to proclaim the word of God through music. The ministry is not an object of admiration but an instrument to teach, comfort, inspire, convince and encourage.

Every member who is not ordained is considered a Lay person. Being led by the spirit and empowered to serve, the Lay is designed to lead the church from membership to discipleship.